Political Events

Semira Adamu

Semira Precious Adamu was a 20-year-old Nigerian asylum seeker who died from suffocation during a forced deportation by Belgian police on September 22, 1998. Adamu fled Nigeria in March 1998 to escape a forced marriage and was detained in Belgium under the safe third country rule. Despite five deportation attempts, Adamu's situation drew significant public attention and protests. On the sixth attempt, officers suffocated her by pressing her head into a pillow for 20 minutes while she was handcuffed. Adamu stopped breathing and later died at St Luc Hospital. Four of the nine officers involved received suspended sentences for involuntary manslaughter in December 2003, while one was acquitted. The Belgian state was ordered to pay undisclosed damages to Adamu's family. Adamu's death sparked widespread demonstrations and hunger strikes, leading to the resignation of Belgium's deputy prime minister and home office minister, Louis Tobback.