
Tribune immigrée

Tribune Immigrée was a magazine edited in French and founded in 1981 by militants in Brussels, mainly Moroccan, but also Turkish, Spanish, Italian, Latin American and their fellow comrades. The journal was edited by Abderrahmane Cherradi and distributed by the I.D.I (Information Distribution Immigré) a platform which in the 1980's facilitated print work for immigrant organisations in Brussels (Leaflets, Bulletins, Brochures, Magazines, Posters,...) driven by the need to address the pressing question raised by the lasting presence of second generation immigrants in Belgium, from the point of view of the immigrants themselves. The journal adressed the problems and difficulties raised by their presence in Belgian society, and shared information on the economic, political and social realities of their countries of origin. Different organizations of immigrant workers, their militants and comrades were involved and contributed a fruitful dialogue between Belgians and immigrants. Due to its growing succes it 1998 it renewed its concept, scale and became Nouvelle Tribune.