
Sous l’abre à palabre

Sous l'arbre à palabre (SAP) is a radio programme broadcast on Radio Campus, the radio station created by students at the Université Libre de Bruxelles in 1980. ‘Sous l'Arbre à Palabre’ was born in the early 1980s out of the desire of African students at the Université Libre de Bruxelles to use the media space offered by Radio Campus. It was a time when free radio was just emerging from clandestinity, and it was by chance that the students, members of the Union Générale des Etudiants Africains (U.G.E.A.), heard about the existence of a transmitter on campus. Sous l'arbre à palabre quickly became a programme for and about the African diaspora, open to all. It is a programme of African diaspora retrospection, news and perspectives. It is a space for African memory and wisdom, a magazine of political, economic, social and sporting news and analysis focused on Africa and its diaspora, a socio-cultural diary and a weekly dossier-debate on a variety of subjects ranging from party politics to literature and social issues. The programme features music from Africa, the Caribbean and from the African diaspora in Europe and America. The programme runs every Sunday from 2.30pm to 5.30pm.