
Mwinda Kitoko

Mwinda Kitoko, which means ‘beautiful light’ in Lingala, is an organisation founded in Antwerp in 1994, with a clear mission: to encourage intercultural communication between different communities in Antwerp. The founders wanted Congolese recently settled in Antwerp to get to know the local society better, and also to introduce long-established Antwerpers to the city's African communities. The organisation was founded by Billy Kalonji, Douwe Van Leem Putten, Peter Bollen et Lembé Masiala. While the association originally organised mainly socio-cultural activities to encourage intercultural encounters, this later evolved into denouncing racism and discrimination against African communities in Antwerp. The growing electoral success of the far-right Vlaams Blok party made itself felt, among other things, in increasing racial profiling. To this day, Mwinda Kitoko strives for an inclusive society free of racism and discrimination and racism. The organisation was involved in the creation of many other African diaspora organisations.