Political Events

Hamou Baroudi

On December 5, 1980, a group of three friends of Moroccan origin, Hamou Baroudi, Louardani and M'Hamed Ben Hamou, went to the Rotonde café in Laeken for a drink. The evening goes off without a hitch until the waitress and her friend launch into a deadly provocation. She criticizes the three youngsters for not paying for their drinks, and turns up the heat by demanding 76 francs from them. She thus gave her friend a pretext to intervene and fight according to a well-developed and well-practiced plan. It goes without saying that the young university couple, both medical students, are sympathizers of the extreme right and its flagship organization of the time, the Front de la Jeunesse. Hamou didn't stand a chance and couldn't escape the assassin's gunfire. Louardani and Ben Hamou miraculously escaped. This tragic incident gave rise to a big demonstration the 15th of decembre 1980 in Brussels and an unprecedented level of awareness in progressive Belgian political circles, leading a few months later to the adoption of the Moureaux law against racism. The Moureaux law, promulgated in Belgium on July 30 1981, aims to repress acts inspired by racism and xenophobia. It was adopted following Belgium's commitment in 1966 to sign the New York Convention, an international agreement on the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination. Since then, the Moureaux law has served as the basis for other legislation reinforcing the fight against racism, particularly with regard to hate speech and discrimination.