

RDM Radio is a radio initiative that began in 1978, launched by members of the Rassemblement Démocratique Marocain (RDM). The programme was pre-recorded at the home of one of the members and broadcast on Radio z'Alternatives Bruxelles 1 (RZAB), a station known for its alternative cultural creations, music and sounds. The programme was presented in French and Arabic, and lasted four hours a week, divided into two-hour segments. The content of RDM Radio highlighted the activities and demands of the RDM. Key RDM figures such as Mohamed El Baroudi, Abdelwahid Fargaoui, Abdelatif El Achi, Aziz Zouaidi and Hakim Zrikem made regular contributions. The programme also invited a number of personalities aligned with the RDM's political line. RDM Radio was very popular among RDM activists and the Moroccan community in Brussels. The station broadcast progressive songs and poems by artists such as Nass El Ghiwane, Jill Jilala, El Mchaheb, Cheikh Imam, Ahl El Hijra, Oulad El Oummal, Hamsi Boubeker, Jurjura and Idir. Despite its success, the radio station regularly faced intimidation from hostile groups who phoned the studio to make threats. RDM Radio operated for three years, ceasing operations in 1982 due to a split within the RDM. This split led some members to leave the association to pursue their own economic and professional projects. RDM Radio played a crucial role in announcing RDM events and mobilising the Moroccan community in Brussels, serving as an essential platform for militant expression.