Memorial Justice


Founded in 2008, the Centre d'archives et de recherche sur l'histoire de l'immigration maghrébine et arabe (Carhima) was a non-profit organisation whose mission was to safeguard and promote the archival heritage of North African and Arab immigration. It continues the work of the Espace Mémoriel de l'Immigration Marocaine (EMIM). It was made up of a multidisciplinary team of historians, archivists and activists from the world of associations. Carhima's main mission was to safeguard, conserve and process the archival heritage of North African and Arab immigration, and to provide tools for its development and use. To achieve this, it was made up of a multidisciplinary team of historians, archivists and activists from the world of associations, brought together by the desire to combine their skills and networks to safeguard and promote this memory. Another objective was to enable people of immigrant background to contribute to writing their own history, based on subjective elements of memory, their experiences and their feelings.